Student Success


Our students received numerous awards at the local and national levels. The University of Texas at Dallas Department of Bioengineering continues to attract students committed to pursuing excellence in research and education.

Fall 2023 – 8th Annual BMEN

Undergraduate Poster Competition

1st:  Shreya Tirumala Kumara
2nd: Maxwell Quaye
3rd : Priniya Jakkamsetti

Outstanding Graduate Award at the PhD level

Kelden Pruitt

Outstanding Graduate Award at the MS level

Justin Cadenhead

Outstanding Graduate Award at the BS level

Sonali Gandhi

Outstanding Bioengineering Ambassador

Connor Neifert

ASLMS A. Ward Ford Memorial Institute Fund

Triniti Vanoven

2023 Convergence Grant Recipients

Milad Almasian

Nimit Shah

Connor Neifert

Rouzbeh Molaei Imenabadi

Jeremy Warren

Nathaniel Tjahjono

Shuai Shao

Fall 2023 BE Researchers

Zachary Lee

Jenna Krueger

Jaideep Kaur

Ryan Faris

Nicole Huning

Miguel Figueroa Hernandez

Shreya Tirumala Kumara

Sohail Hassan

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science’s Outstanding Graduate Student (Master’s Level)

Belten Langmia

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science’s Outstanding Graduate Student (PhD Level)

Dominique James

Undergraduate Research Award (at the University level)

Manogna Jonnalagadda

Abhinav Kokala

Emma LeBlanc

Erik Jonsson School Undergraduate Research Award

Alexander Medina

Varun Gunda

Serena Tran

Kaye Mabbun


Spring 2024 BE Researcher

Anagha Murthy

Fatima Rizvi

Jaideep Kaur

Jenna Krueger

Macie Kauffman

Ryan Faris

Varun Gunda

Bioengineering Best TA

Triniti Vanoven

Goldwater Scholar

Zachary Lee

Jonsson School Best Dissertation Award

Ivneet Banga


Dr. Antra Ganguly
PI: Dr. Shalini Prasad

USENSE: Development of an electrochemical Sensing Platform Towards Multiplexed Detection of Urinary Biomarkers for Urinary Tract Infection Management.


Dr. Brandon Sturgill
PI: Dr. Joe Pancrazio

Chronic Recording Performance of Intracortical Microelectrodes Arrays: Study Design, Bioactive Coatings, and Effects of Neuronal Populations

Dr. Daniel Maruri
PI: Dr. Victor Varner

Determining the Mechanical Cues That Modulate the Myofibroblast Differentiation of Corneal Keratocytes


Dr. Dominique James
PI: Dr. Shashank Sirsi

Developing a Pressure Estimation System Using Phase-change Contrast Agents as Pressure Sensors

Dr. Justin Abbott
PI: Dr. Stuart Cogan

Microelectrodes Arrays for Chronic Neural Recording


Dr. Joseph Epperson
PI: Dr. Seth Hays

Augmenting Rehabilitation with Vagus Nerve Stimulation to Increase Recovery After Spinal Cord Injury

Dr. Pedro Emanuel Rocha Flores
PI: Dr. Walter Voit

Development of Softening and Electrically Stable Multi-Electrode Array for Functional Recovery After Spinal Cord Injury.


Dr. Krithika Iyer
PI: Dr. Victor Varner

Determining How ECM Mechanics Regulate Corneal Keratocyte Behavior In An In-Vitro Model of Corneal Wound Healing.

Dr. Ryan Margolis
PI: Dr. Shashank Sirsi

Three-Dimensional (3-D) Focused Ultrasound for Improved Drug Delivery


Dr. Somdutta Chakraborty
PI: Dr. Victor Varner

Investigating the Role of Patterned Tissue Stiffness Cell Proliferation and YAP Localization in Embryonic Kidney Development

Dr. Sugandha Chaudhary
PI: Dr. Shashank Sirsi

Formulation and Characterization of Novel Bioactive Protein Microbubbles for Biomedical Applications


Dr. Taek Kang
PI: Dr. Leonidas Bleris

Synthetic Gene Circuits as Benchmarks for Understanding Biological Networks


BMES Graduate Student Association

President: Heriter Adam

Treasurer: Taylor Hinchliffe

Alumni Outreach: Christopher Nguyen

Public Relations: Sugandha Chaudhary

Membership Chair: Sumedha Guha

Alpha Eta Mu Beta (AEMB) Officers

Roderick Ahrens

Zachary Lee

Raunak Sandu

Biomedical Engineering Society Officers

President: Onyedi Ololo

Vice President: Talia Alhammoud

Treasurer: Priyanka Almark

Secretary:  Kaye Mabbun

Education Chair: Maxwell Quaye

Marking Chair: Sugkirthy Gowri Sridhar

Tutoring Chairs: Suhaas Penukonda and Rudra Krishnamurthy

Research Chairs: Nicole Huning and Varun Gunda

Industry Chairs: Stacey Velazquez and Angela Li

Philanthropy: Jenny Ong

The UTD BMES chapters proudly announce a year of significant achievement and successful events. To start the year, the groups organized informative undergraduate lab tours, providing students with valuable insights into research labs and undergraduate research opportunities.

The chapters also played pivotal roles in hosting the Bioengineering Career Fairs in the fall and spring. Additionally, they organized a Bioengineering Undergraduate 3MT-style competition, where undergraduates showcased their research within three minutes, followed by a mini undergraduate poster presentation. The UTD BMES chapters remain committed to providing valuable support and opportunities for aspiring bioengineers. The successful academic year is a testament to their dedication and hard work.



The UTDesign Capstone program is designed to provide a hands-on learning opportunity for students.

The UTDesign Capstone experience is a two-semester course sequence in which biomedical engineering majors (in teams with other engineering majors) design solutions to real-world problems for corporate and university sponsors. UTDesign is housed in a 40,000-square-foot facility for student teams to ideate, create, assemble, test devices and meet.

Dr. Todd Polk, associate professor of practice and UTDesign director, noted: “We strive to provide our students with a real-world engineering experience and have organized UTDesign Capstone like a company.” Polk added, “We treat [the students] like working engineers from day one, and the overall experience has proved to be highly beneficial to them as they enter the professional world after graduation.”


Summer/Fall 2023 winners and information


Team sponsors included

Gemini Digital Labs,  RHE Hatco LLC, Longshots Disc Golf, Olive Tree Therapeutics, UT Southwestern Medical Center, UTD Geosciences, and Logical Company

Award Winners

Best Overall Project: – Increasing Peripheral Intravenous Needle and Catheter Visibility Using Ultrasound sponsored by UT Southwestern

We want to congratulate our hardworking students on the team for their outstanding dedication and effort. We are truly grateful for the support of our sponsor, UT Southwestern. Unfortunately, due to the project receiving a patent, we are unable to share details about the project at this time. Thank you to everyone involved for their contributions to this success.


Spring 2024 winners and information

60 bioengineering students participated 19 bioengineering students participated


Team sponsors included

Gemini Digital Labs, The University of Texas at Dallas, UT Southwestern Medical Center AMY Resuscitation, Ronawk, Abbott, Amphenol Fiber Systems International, Leonardo DRS, Motus Labs, Variosystems, Cobalt Product Solutions, First Co, Texas Instruments, Manta Systems, and C&W Appliance Service.

Award Winners

Best Overall Project: CPR Quality Indicator Sponsored by UT Southwestern Medical Center

This team developed a wearable cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) quality indicator to provide real-time feedback on CPR performance. The device can enhance CPR training outcomes and improve performance in real-life cardiac arrest scenarios. The device is an armband equipped with LEDs to display three critical parameters: compression rate, depth, and recoil.

According to the American Heart Association, effective CPR requires a compression rate of 100 – 120 bpm, a depth of at least two inches, and a complete expansion of the chest for full recoil. Our device uses simple visual indications to alert the CPR provider if any CPR parameter is being performed below or above the ideal standards. This innovative tool simplifies CPR delivery, allowing anyone to perform high-quality CPR that increases the likelihood of survival during cardiac emergencies.


At A Glance

Spring 2024 information


55 bioengineering students participated 12 teams with bioengineering students


Junior year often marks a turning point as students edge closer to their goal of graduation. Students may have enough background knowledge to meaningfully participate, but they do not yet possess the technical background to dive headlong into a senior design capstone program. They also need to build professional skills in high demand by employers.

Dr. Christian Rivera designed it in such a way as it matches what Dr. Polk does. At UT Dallas, all engineering and computer science bachelor’s students are required to complete a senior design capstone program called UTDesign Capstone. The program typically takes two semesters and requires students to work in teams to solve a problem for a sponsor, most of whom are industry partners.

“This experience offers many benefits for students,” Rivera said, “but students also need more time to develop skills in teamwork, design and problem solving.”

Rivera worked with Dr. Todd Polk, associate professor of practice and UTDesign director for bioengineering, and other faculty to improve the vertical alignment, or transfer and reinforcement of skills from one course to another.

“The addition of junior design to the required biomedical engineering curriculum has been very positive,” Polk said. “Students are showing up much more prepared for senior design. They have had exposure to the engineering design process and documentation requirements used in senior design, and that is accelerating the beginning stages of their capstone projects.”

Rivera added, “I designed it in such a way as it matches what Dr. Polk does. The students go through the same steps, so they get a preview of what’s coming.”

Rivera also connected with faculty who were teaching related areas. Biomedical engineering can incorporate skills from electrical engineering and mechanical engineering, such as computer-aided design (or CAD), as well as biology and chemistry.